Monday, 19 June 2017

my christmas bauble design

Making a Bauble

Use the programme Adobe Illustrator

1. Set up a New File (A4).

2. Select the Ellilpse Tool

3. Draw a circle. Hold the Shift Button down to create a perfect circle.

4. Using the Eraser Tool (You need to hold down the Option Button on the keyboard to do this) delete half the circle so that you have a semi-circle.

5.  Go to Effect > 3D > Revolve

Monday, 15 May 2017

3D baby mobile

cube 2

1. open adobe illustrator

2. set up a new file A3 or A4 in size. landscape.

3. using the rectangle tool, create a square into 50mm x 50mm on the art board.

4. using the extrude and bevel filter, make the square into a cube.

1. select images form the folder to use.

2. import the images to illustrator.

3. make the images into symbols.

4. place the images on to the cube.

Monday, 8 May 2017

football dice

we had to make a dice. the dice is for an illustration about drivers. i designed a dice or a young man
driver i thought flowers would be suitable as boys likes football. 
i used illustration. the picture had to be in the symbols panel. i mapped the pictures on to the dice 


adibe illustrator 

tools: rectangle tool, selection tool, extrude+bevel

planels: toolbox, colour, appearance, layers

make a square.... light colour, fill no stroke 

Monday, 24 April 2017

3D alien plants

the Aliens have been stranded on planet Earth and need to grow their own plants to feed themselves to help them survive until rescued.

here is my alien plant for The Alien Garden 
the elements i used for this work are shape, texture, pattern, colour and form 

Monday, 20 March 2017

fruit wars

be able to comment on own work

my team did not hit the deadline

each member of the team put in a great deal of effort but the product was not finish on time 

i had to devote my time to help the member of the team 

my team was not able to finish the animation on time because some of the member were still behind on there work 

What went well

1. putting my animation timeline together by putting the aright frames by seconds 

2. drawing the fruits for the storyboard 


What could  be improved

1. i can improved my drawing characters 

2. my spelling 

3. my second frames slowly down by seconds by seconds 

Monday, 20 February 2017

animating using puppet warp

1 draw character on transparent layer.

2 duplicate layer (press command + j ).

3 go to edit > puppet warp.

4 click pins on character.

5 re-position character.

6 click ok.

Monday, 16 January 2017

create team

unit 1: developing creative media skills

Firstly we had to list our qualities that would be useful when working in a team

my qualities are : teamwork, listening to others and helping others

we organised ourselves into teams.

my team is: brotherhood

Monday, 9 January 2017


  1. open photoshop
  2. set workspace-window-workpace-motan
  3. timeline
  4. click position clock to set first keyframe 
  5. move current time indicator to new position
  6. move figure-newkeyfrapne set 9use move tool)
  7. play animation